With decades of experience in green building, project management, consulting and teaching, Mike has the skills to help you make the right sustainable and healthy choices when building or renovating.

Get in Touch with Mike

Sometimes the right choices aren't always the easy ones - Delagare Consulting can help!

So how do you make sound decisions when renovating or building a new home? By getting independent, qualified advice. My interest is helping you determine what is in YOUR best interest when building a solid, healthy home.

Project Manager for Canada's First LEED V4 Platinum Certified Home

How to Make the Right Choices

Renovation & Repairs

Different general contractors will give you different recommendations for what you should do and what products to use. Are they right? Will they solve a problem or just give you a Band-Aid solution that lasts long enough for them to cash a cheque? 

In my experience, most builders mean well and do good work. But, there are always some to be cautious about, and you won’t always know which are which if you aren’t familiar with home construction. 

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We have sourced some of the best building products to ensure that your project is built to a higher standard.